What a million celebration fans looks like |
I remember 17-years-ago skipping a January day of 6th grade to see John Elway, Terrell Davis, Shannon Sharpe, and the rest of the crew hoist the Lombardi Trophy high in the sky. While Specifics of the day may evade me, as I’ve gotten older, one of my bucket list items was to see one of the Colorado teams win a championship. I’m not a hockey fan, and although the Rapids winning a few years back was pretty cool, I knew for me the ones that would matter would be the Broncos or the Nuggets bringing home the hardware. The Broncos, under the terrific ownership of the Bowlen family, with John Elway at the reigns, and a culture that cultivates winning, was my best hope.
As a traveler, I don’t spend much time in my hometown. I love Colorado. I love Denver. I even find myself enjoying small facets of my actual hometown (Littleton) on the rarest of occasions, but that doesn’t combat my wanderlust. While I do drift more than I settle, the last few years have seen my visits home over the holidays linger just a bit longer, in the hopes that the Broncos may just pull one out.
After the devastating blow that was Super Bowl XLVIII, I found myself questioning if I should let sports interfere with my travel. We all have goals, and I began internally debating whether or not supporting a sports team was really serving my best interests. This past May, I departed the US with a deep-rooted question of whether I wanted to return to the states to try and create a life in Denver, or if I would give-in fully to the pull of the wind. With the latter having won, I know these days in Denver will mark some of my last for the foreseeable future. While I used other excuses for why I was staying for as long as I am (a seasonal job in the mountains, skiing, and most importantly, family and friends) I knew deep down that I had a feeling the Broncos, the Sheriff, and the Denver D had a few tricks up their sleeves this season.
This Super Bowl Sunday, after working a full day at Keystone, I was lucky enough to hightail it down I-70 (a beautiful sight when not littered with traffic) and enjoy the momentous performance with my Dad at his Super Bowl Party. We drank beer, ate copious amounts of food, and celebrated by lighting off fireworks on the frozen lake with all the other jubilant neighbors. After enjoying all the interviews, the awarding of the MVP trophy, and hearing the Sheriff talk a lot about Budweiser, I knew it was time to see what the streets of Denver had to offer. Here in lies the conflict of this tale.
After having the Light Rail cease to take us to our downtown stop, I walked through the lovely Auraria Campus to where myself and other ecstatic, yet in control, fans thought the party would be. We were told the train was stopping because of the police stymying attempts at making it to Denver, which was our first indication the night may not be as fun as planned. This photo was our second :
SWAT police blocking off Larimer Square |
With fables of cars being burned and riots ensuing over the last victory, I could understand the apprehension to let a new generation of fan take over the city. The fact is, though, that today's fan has seen the ramifications of the militarization of police. Denver is also a much more mellow city than years past, having seen violent crimes drop subsequently with the passage of the referendum 64. While I was only witness to people dancing and chanting in the streets (and the news echoing this sentiment), the amount of closed bars and police, as well as snarky bouncers stereotyping sports fans as “woo girls,” was enough to dampen my sprits. Sunday night ended on a bit of a low note, but all that would change with Tuesday’s parade.
We’ve all seen the videos, pictures, Tweets, Instagrams, and Facebook posts of the parade yesterday. Hopefully some of us reading this were actually in attendance. I don’t need to go into detail of what happened, with 3oh!3 and Big Head Todd stoking the crowd ("do the Vonnie Miller, and get lots of hits, yeah!"), or seeing the Super Bowl Champs ride by on firetrucks and armchairs. We’ve all seen it, and if not, this isn’t the place to get the recap. What I do want to say, though, is that this parade, matched with a stunning game, as well as seeing this generation of fan celebrate in a respectful way, left me ecstatic. While Sunday left room for improvement, I can say what I saw on Tuesday honestly made me proud of a city whose decisions I have questioned as of late. When one million people show up to a parade, with only a single arrest, well, that is truly a one in a million occurrence. Sure I’ll still complain about the influx of people to Denver. Sure I’ll still be annoyed by traffic. Sure I'll whine about having to share my stellar spot at the parade with folks whom would rather see their hometeam hoisting the Lombardi rather than my Denver Broncos, but the amalgamate of my Super Bowl Championship experience is more than I could have asked for.
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